Social Media Marketing Trends 2019 – Fast Content Marketing

fast-content-tendencias-del-marketing-2019-digital-marketing-fast-contentFast Content Marketing “Users are looking for quick information, which in a few words synthesises what would previously be explained with many words.”

Fast content marketing, fast and ephemeral content, is becoming popular at a dizzying speed, which allows advertisers to also take advantage of it to reach a greater number of consumers through micro-moments.

The first platform to create a community of fast, ephemeral content sharing was Snapchat in 2011. Later, in 2016, it joined instagram by creating its own instagram stories, which caused Snapchat to lose prominence.
Currently social media platforms such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Youtube … also have the option of sharing stories quickly and momentarily.

Advertisers have also wanted to take advantage of fast content marketing, the problem is the saturation of content that is everywhere. It is increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd, with innovation and creativity being the key to success.

With fast content, a great engagement between users can also be generated; it is a highly interactive format whose main purpose is for the user to respond (subscribe, visit the website, follow the RRSS accounts…). The best thing about these platforms is that it allows for easy sowing, which is a great advantage when targeting social media campaigns to current or potential customers, from whom we expect a good response.

“Done” is better than “perfect”

According to Facebook, doing something is more important than doing it perfectly.

These sayings have become mantras in companies where turnover is high and competition is fierce, and where it is also relatively easy to adjust for inaccuracies and repair things that don’t work. You can be sure you won’t find the same mantras in companies like BMW and Airbus, where thoroughness is undoubtedly still the factor that permeates the business. But the fact that a company like Kraft Foods has adopted the same mantras in the area of content marketing that Facebook may make it a remarkable trend for several different types of businesses after all.

Good content turns into good advertising

Personalized content, delivered on all platforms, in local languages, quickly and securely, has turned the communication industry and marketing departments upside down. “Content is king”, and the content itself is now also being used for large advertising campaigns. Wiidoo Media believes that content affects advertising more today than the other way around. Marketing departments create creative content and see what really works in the digital market and optimise content for large advertising campaigns. In this way, you can homogenize and reinforce messages across all media and platforms.

In short, we can define fast content marketing as short, concrete content, but with good quality, which takes advantage of new technologies as shop windows, in order to achieve a relationship with users.

Fast content is undoubtedly a type of content that will be a trend this year 2019, for the ease of reaching consumers, the good results it gives and how attractive it is.