As marketing workers, we all tend to think that our content is always excellent. We provide value in a fun and memorable way, speaking to our audience in a way they enjoy.

Want to keep your social media audience happy and engaged?

These are the 5 mistakes you should never make:

1- 39% of consumers are upset by content that is too neat or poorly written

Humans are fallible, and grammatical errors are inevitable when creating a ton of content. Just keep in mind that content with too many words or misspelled is a big disadvantage for consumers. be clear, concise and precise with your language.

2 – 23% of consumers are annoyed by content that has been seen before or that is stale

brands in all industries are constantly bringing out content trying to achieve the same goal, but with this competition comes the mantra of ‘curing’ over ‘creating’ content. be careful with this: the more a consumer sees a concept, the less impact it will have. If your brand is the 3rd or 4th to have shared the same content, it seems unconvincing and of lesser value.

3- 21% of consumers are annoyed by content that is not optimized for their device

Facebook recommends focusing on mobile creativity as a best practice for advertising. This is smart, considering that most social media content consumption takes place on a mobile device. Considering that screen size can vary greatly from one device to another, it’s best for you to customize the content to the device on which it will be consumed. Make everything robust, easy to read and easy to see on any device.

4- 17% of consumers are annoyed by content without video or images

Five faults that make consumers angry Wiidoo Media Blog

While people continue to enjoy reading, consumers enjoy content with fun video or images rather than just text.

All social media platforms lean heavily towards the use of photos and videos, so you should try to make this a standard in your overall content strategy.

5- 16% of consumers are annoyed by content that promotes something they have already purchased

How frustrating is it to buy something just to see a coupon for that item after the fact?

Save yourself some trouble and be considerate of the kind of content that serves both customers and those who haven’t yet become customers. You have much more control over this through social advertising. From the point of view of content strategy, consider it a good practice to avoid publishing redundant promotions to people who have already converted and cannot use them.

Avoid the above mistakes and you will minimize the risk of annoying your social media audience. After all, if they don’t like your content, they’re much less likely to buy from you.